Cold Heading Machine

The Fully Automatic Washer Assembly Machine

1. The fully automatic washer assembly machine has stable performance, excellent design, saves labor and improves efficiency. It can produce washer assembly from 1.7mm to 10mm.
2. This product is free of warranty for one year and has lifetime maintenance.

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Model Max.Blank Diameter/mm Max.Blank Length/mm Strike Capacity/pcs/min RPM(PCS/min) Cut-off Die diameter(mm) Punch Die(1st)(mm) Punch Die(2st)(mm) Cutter Size/mm Main Motor Power/kw Volume (L*W*H)/m)Weight/kg Weight/kg
DL4-20A φ5.0 20 68 80-120 φ32×105 φ15×30 φ25×65 φ25×65 9×30×70 6级-1.5kw 2.10×1.02×1.05 1300
DL5-30A φ8.0 30 102 80-100


φ19×35 φ31×75 φ31×75 9×30×72 6级-2.2kw 2.50×1.13×1.18 1700
DL5-40A φ8.0 40 102 80-100 φ34.5×145 φ19×35 φ31×75 φ31×75 9×30×72 6级-2.2kw 2.50×1.13×1.18 1750